Email to inbox outreach campaigns
Campaigns sent to your Email List
(or our list with 40% rev share option)
60k+ email sends per month
Acquisition and setup of email account domains and cold outreach software
Email domain warmup (Up to a 3 week process)
Email subject line/copy review, research, and writing (multiple campaigns)
Campaign build-out List acquisition (provided by client), hygiene, segmentation, and import into software
Run outreach strategy: campaign goal is generally to get sales/donations on emails and booked calls but may be different depending on your specific offer and how you move people to the conversations
Measure, manage and report on statistics
Optimize for best conversions
Within our Deliverability Service, our customers see an average of 97.4% delivery rates compared to the industry average of 85%
Campaigns sent to your Email List (or our list with 40% rev share option)
60k+ email sends per month. Choose you package below.
Acquisition and setup of email account domains and cold outreach software
Email domain warmup (Up to a 3 week process)
Email subject line/copy review, research, and writing (multiple campaigns)
Campaign build-out List acquisition (provided by client), hygiene, segmentation, and import into software
Run outreach strategy: campaign goal is generally to get sales/donations on emails and booked calls but may be different depending on your specific offer and how you move people to the conversations
Measure, manage and report on statistics
Optimize for best conversions
Within our Deliverability Service, our customers see an average of 97.4% delivery rates compared to the industry average of 85%
Value $4997 per month!
Best Deal: 60k cold email sends
YOU PAY ONLY: $2400 per month!
Or start with 25k cold email sends
FOR ONLY: $1250 per month!
Or start with 10k cold email sends
FOR ONLY: $600 per month!
Or start with 5k cold email sends
FOR ONLY: $350 per month!
EMAIL [email protected]
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